Taurus has released its first full-size G-series pistol, the G3 9mm semi-auto, which represents the next generation in the Taurus G-series polymer-frame handguns.
Rock River Arms recently expanded its RRAGE rifle series with the introduction of the new RRAGE 3G.
Are you a gunsmith or manufacturer? It may be easy to think you're one or the other, but gray areas can present challenges.
Zanders Sporting Goods has launched an exclusive Range-Retailer program to help shooting ranges capitalize on incentives to diversify offerings to patrons.
The National Shooting Sports Foundation has released a statement following the El Paso and Dayton shootings, and offers help to those interested in trying to find "real solutions."
The SMG-45 is the first pistol caliber carbine offered by LRWCI, and it’s shipping now.
The Steyr Arms Range Day will be July 27 at the CMP Talladega Marksmanship Park in Talladega, Alabama, — home of the Steyr Academy— and is open to the public with free entry and free shooting.
Ultimately, it’s the eye, not the hand, that opens the checkbook, swipes the credit card or cuts loose the cash. Buyers most often are not “sold,” but rather “sell” themselves. Don’t get in their way.
Remington Arms, amid bankruptcy proceedings and reeling from a decline in production demand, will furlough almost 500 employees from its Alabama and New York plants for two months in summer 2019.
The new low-cost, high performance RISE Armament RA-140 Flat SST drop-in trigger boasts a clean break at 3.5 pounds with a short reset.
Among the reasons to access an AR’s buffer and buffer spring are routine maintenance or installing a high-tech, quieter version to reduce noise.
It’s hard for a small gun shop to compete with larger stores that offer a variety of products and services such as on-site gunsmithing. Fortunately, Robar has a solution for smaller gun shops that want to provide gunsmith services to customers.
A large part of what drives sales for all gun shops is handguns for personal protection in the home as well as competition and “contingency planning.” It's this market the Springfield XD MOD.2 Tactical pistol is intended to appeal to most.
American Outdoor Brands Corporation has purchased LaserLyte to add to its Electro-Optics Division, Crimson Trace.